Privacy Policy

Shocad, a product of Goshocad Private Limited, recognizes that its customers, visitors and users, want to be aware about their privacy. Shocad provides this Privacy Policy to help you make an informed decision about whether to use or continue using the Shocad Application/Website/Services. If you move forward with using our application/ website and/or services, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions of practice.

This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and is subject to the Shocad’s Terms of Service. Your use of service and any personal information you provide on the website or while using Services remains subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service. Please note that any Status Submissions or other content posted at the direction or discretion of users of the Shocad becomes published content and is not considered personally identifiable information subject to this Privacy Policy.

Our Privacy Policy Covers

This Privacy Policy is part of Shocad’s Terms of Service and covers the treatment of user information, including personally identifying information, obtained by Shocad, including information obtained when you access the Shocad application/website and/or use the Shocad services. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of companies that Goshocad Private Limited does not own or control, or to individuals whom Goshocad Private Limited does not employ or manage, including any of the third parties to which Goshocad Private Limited may disclose user information as set forth in this Privacy Policy.

The contents hereof shall constitute Goshocad Private Limited’s (“Company”) privacy policy in relation to this Application/website/services (“Privacy Policy”). All references to ‘our’, ‘us’ or ‘we’ within this Privacy Policy are deemed to refer to the Company. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Terms and Conditions.

The Company may need to update or modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. The Company shall notify you through this section upon updating/modification of Privacy Policy. The Company recommends that you regularly check this Privacy Policy to ensure that you have read the most recent version.

What Constitutes Personal Information?

“Personal Information” shall mean any information that relates to a natural person, which, either directly or indirectly, in combination with other information available or likely to be available with any person, is capable of identifying such person including but not limited to the following and any copies thereof:
●  Your Information (as defined in the Terms and Conditions);
●  Name, Address, Phone Number, email id
●  Any specific details about you using/accessing this Application;
●  your IP address; and/or
●  Call / chat data records, if any.

Minimum Age

You must not provide us with your Personal Information if you are not at least 18 years of age as of the date you provide the information. We do not intend to collect Personal Information from any person below the age of 18 years.

What Information does the Company collect?

The Company may collect, store, and use the following kinds of Personal Information:
● Information about your use of this Application.
● Information about any transactions or dealings carried out by you through this Application.
● Information about you, collected as part of Your Information (as defined in the Terms and Conditions).
● Information that you provide to the Company for the purpose of registering with the Company and/or in relation to the Services like creating Shocad Code, searching an address through Shocad Code or otherwise, and/or notifications/newsletters.
● Information shared at other interfaces displayed or connected with this Application.
● Information on your User Activities.
● Information about your location from the use of the Application;
● Access to Photos/Contacts: Subject to your prior consent, the Application may have access to your photos/contacts. On iOS, this is a permission that is asked before access to the photos/contacts. On Android, depending on the device operating system and the Application version, this might be bundled as part of the permissions required before installing the Application, or asked before access to the photos/contacts.
● We may use technology such as (but not limited to) that is provided by Google (Google Analytics and Google Firebase) to collect information about your use of the Application. In essence, Google Analytics and Firebase enable us to analyse how you and others interact with the Application. The information we collect may include information about your phone and use of this Application such as: telephone number, IP address, device ID, the type of browser you use, the number of sessions per browser on each device, geographical location, phone type, make, model and operating system, length of use and number of views.
● Shocad Codes you searched or landed on (including anything you type incorrectly into the search bar);
The Company may use this information in the administration of this Application, to improve this Application’s usability, and for promotional purposes.

How does the Company collect Information?

You understand that most of the Information is provided directly by you to the Company. The Company collects Your Information provided by you as part of the Registration Data and as part of the User Activities. The Company also collects Information when you use this Application via cookies.


The Company uses cookies on this Application. A cookie is a text file sent by a web server to a web browser/application and stored by the browser/application. The text file is then sent back to the server each time the browser/application requests a page from the server. This enables the web server to identify and track the web browser/application. The Company may send a cookie which may be stored on your browser/application on your phone/computer’s hard drive.

The Company may use the information we obtain from the cookies in the administration of this Application, to improve the Application’s usability and for promotional and marketing purposes, in accordance with this Privacy Policy. The Company may also use that information to recognize your phone when you use this Application, and to personalize this Application for you.

How will the Company use your Personal Information?

All the information provided to the Company by you as part of the Registration Data, Your Information, User activities or in relation to any of the Services included in the Application, including but not limited to Personal Information is voluntary.

You can access, modify, correct, and eliminate the data about you which has been collected pursuant to you completing your registration on this Application and available on Your Account. If you update any information, the Company may keep a copy of the information which you originally provided for use documented herein.

The Company uses your Personal Information for any of the following (but not limited to):
● Email, message and/or notify you for the purposes of verification and/or in relation to other User activities
● The Company may use your Personal Information that it collects to enhance the services offered by the Company like customization of this Application based on your use of this Application.
● The Company may use your Personal Information to better understand your user profile in order to provide smart recommendations in this Application.
● The Company may use data for analytics and measurement to understand how the services are used. For example, the Company may analyze data about your visits to this Application to do things like optimize product design and the Company also uses data about the advertisements you interact with to help advertisers understand the performance of their ad campaigns.
● The Company values opinions and comments from its users and may conduct surveys, both online and/or offline. Participation in these surveys is entirely optional. Typically, the information received is aggregated, and used to make improvements to the Application, services and to develop appealing content, features and promotions for users based on the results of the surveys. Identity of the survey participants is anonymous unless otherwise stated in the survey.

How will the Company share your Personal Information?

If you agree and/or upon your request, the Company may share your below Information with its business partners/permitted advertisers:
● Your Personal Information to enable a person to reach your location
● Data analytics of all/selected users of the Application
● Data can be part of any kind of data analytics and data mining

The Application/website/services uses temporary cookies to store certain data that is used by the Company and its service providers for the technical administration of the Application/website/services, research, and development, and for user administration. In the course of serving advertisements or optimizing services to the users of the Application/website/services, the Company may allow authorized third parties to place or recognize a unique cookie on a user’s profile. The Company does not store personally identifiable information in the cookies.

If you have agreed to receive advertisements / marketing materials, the Company and/or the permitted advertisers will send you such materials. You may opt out of receiving advertisements / marketing materials at a later point of time as provided in the Application/website/services.

The Company may display advertisements to users that fit a certain general profile criterion.

The Company does not provide your Personal Information to third parties for their marketing purposes without your consent but may use it for the Company’s internal study and analysis, such as user behaviour, your location data, demographics, etc. in an anonymous manner.

In addition, if you have agreed to receive promotional materials, you may look forward to receiving periodic marketing emails, newsletters and exclusive promotions offering special deals. You have the right to unsubscribe from any such emails, newsletters or promotions at any point in time.

The Company may also share certain filtered Personal Information to its business partners/permitted advertisers who may contact you to offer certain products or services, which may include free or paid products / services, which will enable you to avail certain benefits specially made for Shocad Users. If you choose to avail any such products / services offered by the Company’s business partners, the products / services so availed will be governed by the privacy policy of the respective product / service provider(s). The Company may share your Personal Information with third parties that Company may engage to perform certain tasks on its behalf, including but not limited to payment processing, data hosting, and data processing platforms. The following categories of third parties (including but not limited to) may have access to your Personal Information as a result of your use of this Application/website/services:

● data hosting companies (such as Amazon Web Services or similar);
● external consultants engaged by us to help improve our business;
● other IT service providers (such as G Suite for Business or similar which we use for internal communications);
● providers of data analytics services (such as Google Firebase or similar);
● The Application mapping provider. Google Maps currently provides the map within this Application.

How does the Company store your Personal Information?

The Company stores and processes Personal Information on computers that are protected by physical as well as technological security devices. Personal Information is stored in databases located in India but can be accessed globally. Of course, data transmission over the internet is inherently insecure, and the Company does not warrant / guarantee the security of data sent over the internet. The Company keeps Your Information on record and facilitates its availability to you as and when applicable to the use of any of the Service provided in the Application/website/services. The Company uses third parties to verify and certify the Company privacy principles. If you object to Personal Information being transferred or used in this way, please do not use the Application/website/services. The Company will protect your Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

This Application is hosted in India and if you are a user accessing this Application and/or its Services from any region other than India, we are not bound by the laws or regulations governing personal data collection, use, and disclosure, that differ from Indian laws, please be informed that through your continued use of this Application and/or its Services, which are governed by Indian Law, this Privacy Policy, and our Terms and Conditions, you are transferring your Personal Information from that region and you expressly consent to such transfer and agree that you, your Personal Information and / or your usage of this Application be governed under the Indian Laws.

The Company will retain your Personal Information for as long as is reasonably necessary for the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy. In some circumstances we may retain your Personal Information for longer periods of time, for instance where we are required to do so in accordance with any legal, regulatory, tax or accounting requirements.

Where your Personal Information is no longer required, the Company will ensure it is either securely deleted or stored in a secured way, meaning it will no longer be used by the business.

Legally Required Disclosures

The Company will not disclose any Personal Information or data to governmental institutions or authorities unless such disclosure is requisitioned or requested under any law or judicial decree or when the Company, in its sole discretion, deems it necessary in order to protect its rights or the rights of others, to prevent harm to persons or property, to fight fraud and credit risk, or to enforce or apply the User Agreement, or for regulatory, internal compliance and audit exercise(s).

Your Rights

You may access your Personal Information from your account settings in the Application/website/services. You may also correct your personal information or delete such information (except some mandatory fields) from your user account directly.

The Company provides you with the following rights with respect to your Personal Information:
● Right to Access – You can access your Personal Information at any time through your profile.
● Right to Rectification – You can modify any of your Personal Information through your profile and in some cases by making a written request to the Company by sending an email from your registered email address to
● Right to be forgotten – You can delete your Personal Information and under certain conditions, you may even connect with us by sending an email from your registered email address to
● Right to restrict / object to processing – You can make a written request to the Company to cease processing your Personal Information, under certain conditions, by sending an email from your registered email address to

Any of the above requests received by the Company will be responded to within a maximum period of one (1) month from the date of receipt of such request.


The Company addresses any discrepancies and grievances of all users of this Application with respect to processing of information in a time bound manner. For this purpose, the Company has designated a Grievance Officer, who will redress the grievances of the users of this Application expeditiously within a maximum of one (1) month from the date of receipt of grievance, and who can be reached by sending an email to

Your Account

If you use the Application/website/services, you are responsible for restricting access to your phone/device, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your use of this Application/website/services. You agree to promptly notify the Company about any misuse by sending an email to If the Company has reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of this Application, the Company may deny your access to this Application/website/services without any liability to this Application/website/services or to the Company.

The Company shall not be responsible for removal/extraction of your Information, or any other contents from this Application, website or a Service.

The Company does not warrant that this Application/website/services, server, or emails sent from the Company or the business partners/permitted advertisers are free of viruses or other harmful effects. You explicitly comply and agree that your use of this Application/website/services is at your own individual risk.

Third Party Sites / Applications

This Privacy Policy applies to your use of this Application/website/services. The Company does not exercise control over the business partners’ / permitted advertisers’ / third parties’ sites displayed as links from within the Application/website/services. These other sites may place their own cookies or other files on a users’ phone, device, collect data or solicit personal information from you, for which the Company is not responsible or liable. Accordingly, the Company does not make any representations concerning the privacy practices or policies of such third parties or terms of use of such websites, nor does the Company guarantee the accuracy, integrity, or quality of the information, data, text, software, sound, photographs, graphics, videos, messages or other materials available on such websites. The inclusion or exclusion does not imply any endorsement by the Company of the website, the website’s provider, or the information on the website. The Company encourages each user to read the privacy policies of that website.