Fee payment

Eliminate fee delays and get complete visibility on future payments.

Fee collection made easy

  • Define your fee structures and plans
  • Collect fee online and offline
  • Provide fasibility and reduce fee delays
parents want to pay digitally, from their homes or workplaces
parents will like the flexibility to pay for school bills later in some months
users are motivated with rewards and incentives while making purchases
Contact us
How we help schools.
Shocad enables parents to pay through the app, where ever when ever, through any digital mode of their choice.
with shocad parents can split their school fees into monthly payments. no hidden charges, instant approvals.
everyone likes to feel special. through our partners, we make every transaction rewarding
collections through bank transfers, online methods, cash on the counter, or post dated cheques require manual reconciliation and are time consuming. with shocad, we automate and bring it all together.
your team spends hours to prepare a report but by the time it reaches you, its likely dated. with shocad, get data and insights on whatsapp real time
In some cases, a nominal handling or processing fee might be applicable. There are no hidden charges. In cases where are a charge is applicable, it will be displayed in the app prior to payment initiation.