Fee made simple

Pay now and pay later options, with rewards when ever you pay.

How shocad works ?

Shocad is an app for families.It enables families to pay school bills with pay-now and pay-later options, unlocking rewards when ever they pay and more.

Pay Now

Pay your school bills from any where with hassle free process

Pay Later

Pay later with no-cost EMI which will help you to match your expenses
We love doing what we do, because families love what we do.

It's easy to use, payments are fast, doesnt take much time

loved the rewards with every payment i made through the app

Pay later option is very helpful for me to match my expenses

Can make your payment from anywhere with hassle free process.
Questions You Might Have.
Shocad has been built in collaboration with leading financial and technology partners including Mastercard and Microsoft. All communication is end-to-end encrypted and cyber security best practices are adhered to.
You can start using shocad by downloading it from the Apple appstore or Google playstore or by clicking on app.shocad.com/getstarted. In case you need help, reach out to us on the app or write to us at help@shocad.com. Please note that shocad is a members-only app and only accessible for parents from select schools.
No, there are no subscription fees to use shocad!
No, shocad does not store any card information. It works with 3D Secure and PCI DSS compliant partners to process payments.
Drop us a line at help@shocad.com and we’ll reach out to your school!
In some cases, a nominal handling or processing fee might be applicable. There are no hidden charges. In cases where are a charge is applicable, it will be displayed in the app prior to payment initiation.